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Mentoring Stories: Seasoned Software Architect Jani finds joy in sharing his expertise

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Jani Sumentola
Senior Software Architect

Jani Sumentola is an experienced software developer and architect at Nitor. Beyond his professional achievements, Jani lives for the thrill of the game, whether passionately cheering on his favorite sports teams, hitting the gym, or enjoying a leisurely round on the golf course, where his enthusiasm far outstrips his aim.


27 mars 2024 · 4 min lästid

I had never acted as a mentor before, so when I was invited to join Nitor's mentoring program, I was definitely interested in trying out the role. My mentee was Riku Luostarinen, who had long wanted to deepen his knowledge of Kubernetes, an area in which I have extensive experience.

Kubernetes is a vast ecosystem with many intricacies, configurations, terminologies, and various tools. Moreover, there are often multiple ways to approach tasks, meaning there isn't necessarily one right way of doing things. Kubernetes has a somewhat complex and intimidating reputation.  

Our topic was highly technical, and we also encountered some problems that I hadn't come across before. When Riku faced an issue, I rolled up my sleeves to replicate the problem and investigate how to resolve it. Our collaboration was very hands-on compared to many other themes, which often emphasise different working methods. 

I enrolled in a mentoring program because I wanted to deepen my knowledge of Kubernetes beyond the usage and configuration of existing clusters, to a level where I could set up and maintain my own cluster from scratch. The mentoring program provided a great opportunity, allowing me to dedicate work hours to learning instead of doing it in my spare time. The support of a skilled mentor helped overcome difficult points and facilitated a deeper understanding of new concepts and tools.

- Riku Luostarinen, Senior Software Architect, Nitor 

The most rewarding aspect was gaining new and different perspectives on a topic that was already very familiar to me. I tried to put myself in Riku's shoes and reflect on what would be useful to learn if I knew nothing about the subject beforehand. It's wonderful to share one's expertise and help someone delve deep into a topic. Watching Riku's progress was a joy. 

Both of us are experienced software architects involved in various projects, so it was great to learn from Riku as well. He had knowledge and expertise in technologies related to the subject, which will undoubtedly benefit my work. The give-and-take of mentoring was definitely a positive experience. 

Setting goals facilitated learning 

We discussed Riku's goals during the kick-off meeting. Using that as a basis, we defined a minimum set of topics to cover within the timeframe of the mentoring program. We also identified a few additional interesting subjects we could delve into if time allowed. 

In practice, Riku coded at his own pace, which I reviewed as he progressed. We tackled any emerging issues together and iterated on the code to improve it. This approach worked well for both of us and the subject matter. 

We agreed on schedules and interim meetings dynamically as the mentoring progressed and stayed in touch regarding ongoing matters through Slack practically on a daily basis. Since both of us are heavily involved in client work, coordinating schedules was undoubtedly our biggest challenge. That’s why the clear structure of Nitor's mentoring program provided excellent support throughout the mentoring process.   

The mentoring program provided support and freedom in the right balance 

Nitor gave us great frameworks, all the necessary support, and the freedom to conduct mentoring in a way that suited each pair best. We weren’t given a strict mould but rather guidelines towards new learnings. Since mentoring topics vary widely, the same methods don’t work for everyone. 

In a joint introductory session for all pairs, we went through the mentoring workbook, which gave me a clear understanding of my role as a mentor. We received plenty of information about the essence of the task and the steps to take along the way. Common interim meetings, low-threshold support, and the wrap-up event at the end of the program created a clear structure and facilitated mentoring. 

The experience was definitely rewarding! Participating in the mentoring program committed me to learning, and a bit of group pressure served as an excellent motivator to get things done within the given time frame and to completion. The mentoring program ensured that task progression didn't get sidelined by busyness, as is often a risk with hobby projects in everyday life. It was also significant that Jani genuinely helped me deepen my understanding of the subject.

- Riku Luostarinen, Senior Software Architect, Nitor 

The mentoring program is an excellent way to support professional development and knowledge sharing within Nitor. Compared to books and courses, learning by doing is very practical, and one can immediately reflect on their new skills through client projects. 

It's great that there's a desire to invest in various means of developing expertise. Nitor has accumulated so much knowledge that sharing it is also in the company's interest. I find that the mentoring program also enhances community spirit. It was fantastic to get to know a colleague more deeply.

Are you ready to carve your own path as a Nitor Digital Engineer? Take a look at our open positions – maybe you’ll be taking part in the next mentorship program!

The Mentoring Stories article series sheds light on our mentoring program that offers the possibility to learn and share advanced and cross-functional knowledge with fellow Nitoreans. At Nitor, we embrace the diverse and unique journeys of our Digital Engineers. Enabling personal growth paths and supporting self-development through concrete methods and social learning is one of our core values.

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Jani Sumentola
Senior Software Architect

Jani Sumentola is an experienced software developer and architect at Nitor. Beyond his professional achievements, Jani lives for the thrill of the game, whether passionately cheering on his favorite sports teams, hitting the gym, or enjoying a leisurely round on the golf course, where his enthusiasm far outstrips his aim.