10. tammikuuta 2020 · 15 min lukuaikaKyllä, Nitorin valmentajat ovat kirjoittaneet 100 tutkimusta lean - agile -aiheesta. Materiaalia kertyy, kun jokaisen Nitorin valmentajan sisäinen palo ajaa pohtimaan ketterien mallien mahdollisuuksia ja mahdottomuuksia. Etuoikeutemme on toimia ketteryyden edelläkävijöiden kanssa päivittäin ja saamme asiakkailtamme jatkuvasti uusia tulokulmia näissä asiakkuuksissa.
Vaikka olemme kirjoittaneet jo 100 tutkimusta, emme ole akateemisia hörhöjä. Kaikki tutkimuksemme perustuvat todellisiin muutoksiin yrityksissä. Olemme itse olleet muutoksen keskellä, muutoksen mahdollistajana. Se on paras paikka katsoa ketteryyden vaikutuksia myös tutkijan silmin.
Haluamme olla jatkuvasti edelläkävijöitä ja tutkia uutta maaperää. Jaamme avoimesti tutkimustuloksemme myös muiden kanssa, jotta hyväksi havaitut löydökset sekä sudenkuopat saavuttavat mahdollisimman monen tietoisuuden.
Työskentelemme sellaisten asiakkaiden kanssa, jotka kulkevat ketterässä skenessä muiden edellä ja luovat näin uutta kokeellista materiaalia. Intohimomme on ymmärtää miten nämä edelläkävijät toteuttavat lean - agile -periaatteita
Vahva akateeminen yhteistyö on meille tärkeää, koska missiomme on muuttaa Suomen yritysmaailmaa ketterämmäksi. Tutkimusyhteistyöllä mahdollistamme osaamisemme siirtymisen suoraan opintonsa loppuvaiheessa oleville opiskelijoille. Näin voimme osaltamme varmistaa, että seuraava sukupolvi kantaa ketterää ajatusmaailmaa heti koulunpenkiltä valmistuttuaan.
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Meillä Nitorilla on yhteenlaskettuna yli 200 vuoden käytännön kokemus ketteryydestä. Tätä kertynyttä kokemusta haluamme jakaa kanssasi. Haluatko pysyä ajantasalla mitä ketteryyden ympärillä tapahtuu? Tilaa uutiskirjeemme!
Research papers by Nitor Agile
Definition of Agile and Agile in Large-Scale
Laanti, Maarit, Jouni Similä, and Pekka Abrahamsson. "Definitions of agile software development and agility." European Conference on Software Process Improvement. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Laanti, Maarit. "Characteristics and principles of scaled agile." International Conference on Agile Software Development. Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Laanti, M. "Agile Methods in Large-Scale Software Development Organizations." Applicability and model for adoption. Dissertation. University of Oulu (2012).
Portfolio Management
Laanti, Maarit, Rami Sirkiä, and Mirette Kangas. "Agile portfolio management at finnish broadcasting company Yle". Scientific Workshop Proceedings of the XP2015. ACM, 2015.
Laanti, Maarit, and Mirette Kangas. "Is Agile Portfolio Management Following the Principles of Large-Scale Agile? Case Study in Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle." Agile Conference (AGILE), 2015. IEEE, 2015.
Vähäniitty, Rautiainen & Lassenius: Small Software Organizations Need Explicit Portfolio Management. IBM journal of Research and Development , Vol. 54, No. 2 (Issue on Creating Business Value through Software Development), April 2010
Vähäniitty & Rautiainen: Towards a Conceptual Framework and Tool Support for Linking Long-term Product and Business Planning with Agile Software Development. International Workshop on Software Development Governance (SDG2008)
Vähäniitty, J & Rautiainen, K. "Towards an Approach for Development Portfolio Management in Small Product-Oriented Software Companies". In proceedings of Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38), Jan 2005.
Vähäniitty, Lassenius, Rautiainen & Pekkanen: Long-term Planning of Development Efforts by Roadmapping - a Model and Experiences from a Small Software Company. In the proceedings of Euromicro 2009 Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA)
Vähäniitty, J. "Do Small Software Companies Need Portfolio Management?”. Proceedings of the 13th International Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Milan, Italy, Jun 2006 (presentation slides).
Vähäniitty, J. "Do Small Software Companies Need Portfolio Management, Too?”. Licenciate Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2/2006.
Vähäniitty, J. "Product Portfolio Management in Small Software Product Businesses - a Tentative Research Agenda". In proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Economic-Driven Software Engineering Research (EDSER-6) at ICSE 2004, pp. 48-52, Edinburgh, 2004.
Vähäniitty, Heikkilä, Rautiainen, & Vlaanderen: Towards Agile Product and Portfolio Management. Espoo: Aalto University, Nov 2010
Laanti, Maarit. "Agile and Wellbeing--Stress, Empowerment, and Performance in Scrum and Kanban Teams." System Sciences (HICSS), 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on. IEEE, 2013.
Finance and Budgeting
Sirkiä, Rami, and Maarit Laanti. "Adaptive Finance and Control: Combining Lean, Agile, and Beyond Budgeting for Financial and Organizational Flexibility." System Sciences (HICSS), 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on. IEEE, 2015.Agile Software Development, engineering practices,
Laanti, Maarit, and Petri Kettunen. "Cost Modeling Agile Software Development." ITSSA 1.2 (2006): 175-180.
Measuring transformation and business value
Laanti, Maarit. "Agile transformation model for large software development organizations." Proceedings of the XP2017 Scientific Workshops. ACM, 2017.
Kupiainen, Eetu, Mika V. Mäntylä, and Juha Itkonen. 2015. “Using Metrics in Agile and Lean Software Development – A Systematic Literature Review of Industrial Studies”, Information and Software Technology, vol. 62(Jun): 143-163.
Weijola, Heidenberg, Pores, Mikkonen. 2012. “A Model for Business Value in Large-Scale Agile and Lean Software Development”, D. Winkler, R.V. O’Connor, and R. Messnarz (Eds.): EuroSPI 2012, CCIS 301, pp. 49–60.
Karvonen, Kuvaja, Mikkonen, Oivo, Rodriques. 2012. “Adapting the Lean Enterprise Self-Assessment Tool for the Software Development Domain”, 38th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.
Olszewska, Heidenberg, Weijola, Mikkonen, Porres. 2017. “Quantitatively measuring a large-scale agile transformation”, Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 117, July 2016, Pages 258–273.
Kupiainen, E., Mäntylä M. V., Itkonen J. 2014. "Why are industrial agile teams using metrics and how do they use them?", in Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics (WeTSOM 2014) (ICSE workshop), pp. 23-29.
Large Scale Transformation
Mikkonen, Jouppila, Seikola, Engblom. 2012. “How we (Ericsson R&D Finland) learn to stop worrying and live with the uncertainties”, CloudSW publication
Dingsøyr, Torgeir, Tor Erlend Fægri, and Juha Itkonen. 2014. “What Is Large in Large-Scale? A Taxonomy of Scale for Agile Software Development.” In Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8892, pp. 273–76.
Rautiainen, von Schantz & Vähäniitty: Supporting Scaling Agile with Portfolio Management: Case Proceedings of the 44rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-44).
Laanti, Maarit, Outi Salo, and Pekka Abrahamsson. "Agile methods rapidly replacing traditional methods at Nokia: A survey of opinions on agile transformation." Information and Software Technology 53.3 (2011): 276-290.
Kettunen, Petri, and Maarit Laanti. "Combining agile software projects and large‐scale organizational agility." Software Process: Improvement and Practice 13.2 (2008): 183-193.
Laanti, Maarit. "Agile transformation study at Nokia–one year after." Lean Enterprise Software and Systems. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010. 3-19.
Lean thinking
Rodriques, Kuvaja, Mikkonen, Oivo. 2013. “Building Lean Thinking in a Telecom Software Development Organization: Strengths and Challenges”, ICSSP'13, International Conference on Software and System Process, San Francisco, USA.
Rodriques, Kuvaja, Mikkonen. 2013. “Challenging Leans Applicability”, Lean Management Journal.
Continuous delivery
Laukkanen, Eero, Maria Paasivaara, Juha Itkonen, Casper Lassenius. 2018. “Comparison of release engineering practices in a large mature company and a startup”, Empirical Software Engineering, 23(6): 3535–3577.
Laukkanen, Eero, Maria Paasivaara, Juha Itkonen, Casper Lassenius, and Teemu Arvonen. “Towards Continuous Delivery by Reducing the Feature Freeze Period: A Case Study.” In Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice Track, 23–32. ICSE-SEIP ’17. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE Press, 2017.
Itkonen, Juha, Raoul Udd, Casper Lassenius, and Timo Lehtonen. 2016. “Perceived Benefits of Adopting Continuous Delivery Practices.” In Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. Ciudad Real, Spain.
Laukkanen, Eero, Timo O. A. Lehtinen, Juha Itkonen, Maria Paasivaara, and Casper Lassenius. 2016. “Bottom-up Adoption of Continuous Delivery in a Stage-Gate Managed Software Organization.” In Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. Ciudad Real, Spain.
Leppänen, Marko, Simo Mäkinen, Veli-Pekka Eloranta, Juha Itkonen, Mika V. Mäntylä, and Tomi Männistö. 2015. “The Highways and Country Roads to Continuous Deployment”, IEEE Software, 32(2): 64-72. doi:10.1109/MS.2015.50
Laukkanen, Eero, Juha Itkonen, and Casper Lassenius. 2017. “Problems, Causes and Solutions When Adopting Continuous delivery—A Systematic Literature Review.” Information and Software Technology 82 (February): 55–79.
Business and Product Development interfaces
Lehtinen, Timo O.A., Risto Virtanen, Ville T. Heikkila, and Juha Itkonen. 2015. “Why the Development Outcome Does Not Meet the Product Owners’ Expectations?” In Agile Processes in Software Engineering, and Extreme Programming (XP2015), Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 212, pp. 93-104.
Vanhanen, J., Itkonen, J. and Sulonen, P. 2003. "Improving the Interface Between Business and Product Development Using Agile Practices and the Cycles of Control Framework", in Proceedings of Agile Software Development Conference, pp. 71-80.
Lehtola, Kauppinen, Vähäniitty & Komssi. “Linking business and requirements engineering: is solution planning a missing activity in software product companies?“, Requirements engineering journal, Special issue RE'07 best papers, Volume 14, Number 2 / June, Springer-Verlag 2009
Lehtola, L. & Kauppinen M. & Vähäniitty, J. "Strengthening the link from business decisions to requirements engineering: Long-term product planning in software product companies". Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'07), New Delhi, India, Oct 2007
Vähäniitty, J.: "Commercial Product Management" and "Pipeline Management"; Rautiainen, K. & Vähäniitty, J.: "An Introduction to the SEMS Approach". Chapters in "Pacing Software Product Development: A Framework and Practical Implementation Guidelines". eds. Rautiainen, K., and C. Lassenius. Helsinki University of Technology Software Business and Engineering Institute Technical Reports 3, pp. 23-49. Helsinki, 2004 (electronic edition of the book published 9/2006)
Development Practices
Leppänen, Marko, Simo Mäkinen, Juha Itkonen, Jesse Yli-Huumo, and Timo Lehtonen. 2015. “Decision-Making Framework for Refactoring.” In IEEE 7th International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt (MTD), pp. 61–68.
Itkonen, J., Rautiainen, K. and Lassenius, C. "Toward an Understanding of Quality Assurance in Agile Software Development", in International Journal of Agile Manufacturing, 8(2): 39-49, 2005.
Itkonen, J., Rautiainen, K. and Lassenius, C. 2005. "Towards Understanding Quality Assurance in Agile Software Development", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Agility, pp. 201-207.
Vanhanen J, Itkonen, J. and Mäntylä, M.V. 2009. "Lightweight Elicitation and Analysis of Software Product Quality Goals - A Multiple Industrial Case Study", in Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Software Product Management, pp. 42-52.
Laanti, Maarit, et al. "Case Study in Responsive Web Design: Pragmatic Agile and Hero Team Approach-Time and Cost Savings with Quality Improvement." Lean Enterprise Software and Systems. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. 106-121.
Mäntylä M. V. and Itkonen J., 2013. "More testers – The effect of crowd size and time restriction in software testing", Information and Software Technology, 55(6): 986-1003.
Huuhtanen, Timo, Juha Itkonen, and Casper Lassenius. 2015. “Combining Algebraic and Domain Testing to Design Adequate Test Cases for Signal Processing Algorithms.” In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation.
Organization and structure
Kettunen, Petri, and Maarit Laanti. "Future software organizations–agile goals and roles", European Journal of Futures Research 5.1 (2017): 16.
Janhonen, Minna, and Sara Lindström, 2015. “Routes to team goal attainment in retail”, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 43 (1), 26-42.
von Bonsdorff,Monika, Minna Janhonen, Zhiqing E. Zhou & Sinikka Vanhala, 2014. “Team autonomy, organizational commitment and company performance – a study in the retail trade”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26 (8), 1098-1109.
Janhonen, Minna & Jan-Erik Johanson, 2011. “Role of knowledge conversion and social networks in team performance”, International Journal of Information Management 31, 217-225.
Janhonen, Minna & Tiina Taipale, 2017. “Informal human resource principles and practices as a key to growth in forward-looking SMEs”, In book Eskola (eds.) Navigating Through Changing Times. Knowledge work in complex environments. Routledge, London (pp.131-144).
Henttonen, Kaisa, Jan-Erik Johanson & Minna Janhonen (2014): “Work-team bonding and bridging social networks, team identity and performance effectiveness”, Personnel Review 43(3), 330-349.
Henttonen, Kaisa, Minna Janhonen & Jan-Erik Johanson (2013): “Internal social networks in work teams: structure, knowledge sharing and performance”, International Journal of Manpower, 34 (6), 616-634.
Henttonen, Kaisa, Minna Janhonen, Jan-Erik Johanson & Kaisu Puumalainen (2010). “The demographic antecedents and perfomance concequences of the social-network structure in workteams”, Team Performance Management, 16 (7-8), 388-412.
Toivanen, Minna, Minna Janhonen, Anu Järvensivu ja Suvi Vesa (2014): “Rajoja rikkovaa työtä: kun tehdään yhteistyötä yli hallinnollisten rajojen”, Hallinnon tutkimus, 33 (3), 271-278.
Janhonen, Minna (2010): “Tiedonkulun hallinta vallan mahdollistajana tiimityössä”, Työelämän tutkimus, 8 (2), 117-130.
Janhonen, Minna (2009): “Tasapainoinen tiedon jakaminen ja tiimityön laatu”, Hallinnon tutkimus, 28 (4) 43-55.
Janhonen, Minna, Minna Toivanen, Kaisa Eskelinen, Heli Heikkilä ja Anu Järvensivu (2015): “Rajoja rikkova työ – kohti sujuvia toimintakäytäntöjä verkostoituvassa ja lohkoutuvassa työssä”, Työterveyslaitos. (119s.)
Janhonen, Minna (2013): “Työn organisoinnin yhteydet toimipaikan tuloksellisuuteen ja henkilöstön hyvinvointiin”, Kirjassa Vanhala, S. (toim.) Hyvinvointia ja tuloksellisuutta hyvällä henkilöstöjohtamisella. Aalto-yliopiston julkaisusarja Kauppa + Talous 5/2013. Helsinki. S. 72-88.
Lindström, Sara & Minna Janhonen (2012). “Menetelmävalintojen merkitys. Laadullinen ote henkilöstöjohtamisen tutkimuksessa”, Teoksessa S. Vanhala, K. Tilev ja S. Lindström (toim.) Ristivetoa vai yhtä köyttä? Henkilöstöjohtaminen, työhyvinvointi ja tuloksellisuus. Aalto-yliopiston julkaisusarja Kauppa + Talous 2/2012. Helsinki. S.133-146.
Janhonen, Minna (2010): “Tiedon jakaminen tiimityössä”, Väitöskirja. Työ ja ihminen Tutkimusraportti 39. Työterveyslaitos, Helsinki. (222s.)
Janhonen, Minna & Jan-Erik Johanson (2010): “Knowledge Conversion and Social Networks in Driving Team Performance”, in book Eduardo Tomé (eds.) Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Knowledge Management. Universidade Lusíada de Vila Nova de Famalicão Portugal, 2-3 September 2010.
Exploratory Software Testing
Itkonen J., "Empirical Studies on Exploratory Software Testing", Doctoral dissertation, Aalto University School of Science, Nov. 2011.
Itkonen, J., M. V. Mäntylä, and C. Lassenius. 2016. “Test Better by Exploring: Harnessing Human Skills and Knowledge.” IEEE Software 33 (4): 90–96.
Afzal, W., Ghazi, N., Itkonen, J., Torkar, R., Andrews, A. Bhatti, K., 2015. "An Experiment on the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Exploratory Testing", Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 20(3):844-878.
Itkonen, Juha, and Mika V. Mäntylä. 2014. “Are Test Cases Needed? Replicated Comparison between Exploratory and Test-Case-Based Software Testing”, Empirical Software Engineering 19(2): 303–42.
Itkonen, J., Mäntylä, M.V. & Lassenius, C., 2013. "The Role of the Tester’s Knowledge in Exploratory Software Testing", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 39(5): 707-724. doi:10.1109/TSE.2012.55
Itkonen J, Mäntylä M.V. and Lassenius, C. 2009. "How Do Testers Do It? An Exploratory Study on Manual Testing Practices", in proceedings of the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement.
Itkonen, J., Mäntylä, M. V. and Lassenius, C. 2007. "Defect Detection Efficiency: Test Case Based vs. Exploratory Testing", in proceedings of the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, pp. 61-70.
Itkonen, J. and Rautiainen, K. 2005. "Exploratory Testing: A Multiple Case Study", in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering, pp. 84-93.
Mäntylä, M. V. and Itkonen J. , 2014. "How Are Software Defects Found? The Role of Implicit Defect Detection, Individual Responsibility, Documents, and Knowledge", Information and Software Technology, 56(12): 1597–1612.
Mäntylä, M. V., Itkonen, J. and Iivonen, J. 2012. "Who Tested My Software? Testing as an Organizationally Cross-Cutting Activity", Software Quality Journal, 20(1): 145–172.
Iivonen J., Mäntylä M. V., Itkonen J. 2010. "Characteristics of High Performing Testers – A Case Study", poster in Proceedings of the fourth International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement.
Pyhäjärvi, M., Rautiainen, K. and Itkonen, J. 2003. "Increasing Understanding of the Modern Testing Perspective in Software Product Development Projects", in Proceedings of HICSS-36, 250-259.
Itkonen, J. "Do test cases really matter? An experiment comparing test case based and exploratory testing". Licentiate Thesis. Helsinki University of Technology, 2008.
Retrospectives, Root Cause Analysis, and Project Failures
Lehtinen, T. O. A., Itkonen, J., Lassenius, C., 2017. "Recurring opinions or productive improvements—what agile teams actually discuss in retrospectives", Empirical Software Engineering, 22(5): 2409-2452.
Lehtinen, T. O. A., Mäntylä, M. V., Vanhanen, J., Itkonen, J., Lassenius, C., 2014. "Perceived Causes of Software Project Failures - An Analysis of their Relationships", Information and Software Technology, 56(6): 623-643.
Lehtinen, Timo O. A., Mika V. Mäntylä, Juha Itkonen, and Jari Vanhanen. 2015. “Diagrams or Structural Lists in Software Project Retrospectives – An Experimental Comparison”, Journal of Systems and Software, 103(May): 17–35.
Itkonen, J. “An experience in software process definition and implementation”. Master’s Thesis. Helsinki University of Technology. 2001.
Tools for product planning
Kaarlas, J. & Vähäniitty, J. "Tool support for software product and release planning - requirements and current solutions". Working paper, 8/2005
Long term planning
Vähäniitty, J. "A Tentative Framework for Connecting Long-Term Business and Product Planning with Iterative & Incremental Software Product Development". In proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Economic-Driven Software Engineering Research (EDSER-7) at ICSE 2005, St. Louis, USA, 2005
Vähäniitty, J. "Key Decisions in Strategic New Product Development for Small Software Product Businesses". EUROMICRO 2003, Software Process and Product Improvement Track / Software Engineering in Small and Very Small Enterprises, Antalya, Turkey, 2003.
Vähäniitty, J. "Business-Driven New Product Development Process Improvement in Small Software Product Businesses - Theory and a Research Approach". EUROMICRO 2003, Software Process and Product Improvement Track / Work-in-Progress session, Antalya, Turkey, 2003.
Vähäniitty, J. "Product Strategy Decisions in Small Software Product Businesses - a Framework and Experiences". Master's Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Institute of Software Business and Engineering, 2003.
Vähäniitty, J., Lassenius, C., & Rautiainen, K. "An Approach to Product Roadmapping in Small Software Product Businesses", Quality Connection - 7th European Conference on Software Quality - Conference Notes, pp. 12-13, (2002)
Models and frameworks
Rautiainen, K., Lassenius, C., Vähäniitty, J., Vanhanen, J., & Pyhäjärvi, M. "A tentative framework for managing software product development in small companies", hawaii international conference on system sciences (hicss-35), 2002.
Kettunen, Petri, and Maarit Laanti. "How to steer an embedded software project: tactics for selecting agile software process models." Proc. International Conference on Agility (ICAM). 2005.
Laanti, Maarit. "Implementing program model with agile principles in a large software development organization."2008 32nd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference. IEEE, 2008.
Design Games, Learning by Gaming, Co-creation
Hannula, O. & Harviainen, J.T. (2018) User Perceptions of Design Games as Settings for Organizational Learning: Case Topaasia. In ServDes2018. Service Design Proof of Concept, Proceedings of the ServDes. 2018 Conference, 18-20 June, Milano, Italy, 427–439. Linköping University Electronic Press.
Hannula, O. & Harviainen, J.T. (2018) User Satisfaction with Organizational Learning Time-Efficiency in Topaasia Cards. In Lukosch, H., G. Bekebrede, and R. Kortmann (Eds.) Simulation Gaming. Applications for Sustainable Cities and Smart Infrastructures: 48th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, ISAGA 2017, Delft, The Netherlands, July 10-14, 2017, Revised Selected Papers. Information Systems and Applications, Incl. Internet/Web, and HCI. Springer International Publishing.
Hannula, O., & Irrmann, O. (2016). Played Into Collaborating: Design Games as Scaffolding for Service Co-Design Project Planning. Simulation & Gaming, 47(5), 599–627.
Hannula, O., & Harviainen, J.T. (2016) Efficiently Inefficient: Service Design Games as Innovation Tools. In N. Morelli, A. de Götzen, & F. Grani (Eds.) (Vol. 125, pp. 241–252). Presented at the ServDes.2016, Copenhagen, Denmark: Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköpings universitet.
Hannula, O. (2015) From Participants to Co-developers: Games as Settings for Expansive Learning. Game Studies Spring Seminar on Adult Play 2015. Tampere, Finland.
Hannula, O., Irrmann, O., & Smeds, R. (2014) Modeling Knowledge Co-Creation Games as Activity Systems. In W. C. Kriz, T. Eiselen, & W. Manahl (Eds.), The Shift from Teaching to Learning: Individual, Collective and Organizational Learning Through Gaming Simulation (pp. 186–198). Dornbirn, Austria.
Hannula, O., Pöyry-Lassila, P., Salmi, A., & Jaatinen, M. (2014) Forming and using objects of collaboration within game structure. XXIV International Conference of RESER September 11–13 2014, Helsinki, Finland.
Hardware development
Laanti, Maarit. "Piloting Lean-Agile Hardware Development." Proceedings of the Scientific Workshop Proceedings of XP2016. ACM, 2016.