Aiming to build a seamless cooperation model

For YIT, the agile approach's goal was to make the factors involved in the projects work seamlessly together from design to implementation. We sought a smooth flow of work through the various work phases – practical conflicts are significantly reduced when the progress of projects and needs are visible to all those involved in the work. One critical goal in the change was to create an overall picture of what is being done. Clear visibility of task queues would make it easier and faster to prioritise different projects.

Traditional silos as a starting point

The starting point was familiar to many organisations: different teams operated in their own silos without taking the time for discussions between them. Working days were hectic, and bottlenecks caused frustration. There was no shared vision in the work planning on what was needed at which stage of various projects. Therefore, the work done by different teams could slow down the whole project instead of all the measures seamlessly supporting the achievement of a common goal.